
Perpetrator定义 ›› Perpetrate与Perpetuate

冯美云 冯美云 发表于2023-10-12 11:27:17 浏览220 评论0


Perpetrator - 罪犯
The police put out a nationwide search to find the perpetrator of the double homicide.
- 警察展开全国范围的搜寻,以找到双重谋杀的罪犯。
The teacher asked the students in the class who the perpetrator of the vicious rumor was.
- 老师询问班上的学生,是谁制造了那个恶毒传闻的罪犯。
Perpetrate - 实施
He was mostly a petty thief, so it was surprising to discover that he perpetrated an act such as this.
- 他通常只是小偷,所以发现他实施这样的行为令人惊讶。
I want to be successful in business, but I draw the line at perpetrating a crime.
- 我想在生意上取得成功,但我坚决反对实施犯罪。
Perpetuate - 延续
Means to make a situation continue indefinitely. The situation that is being spoken of is usually a negative one, and by doing some sort of action someone or something is making the situation continue.The amount of time that the negative situation will continue is unknown, and will most likely not stop until the action that is causing the situation to continue ends.
Not disciplining your child, just perpetuates his bad behavior.
- 不管孩子的行为有多糟,不予纠正只会延续他的恶行。
The tension between the two of you will continue to be perpetuated unless you talk about what’s bothering you.
- 除非谈论令你们不安的事情,否则你们之间的紧张局势将继续延续。
Can also speak to something that is positive and values being continued and kept from ending or facing extinction.
It was amazing how she was able to perpetuate the growth of the company during the economic crash.
- 令人惊叹的是,她在经济危机期间能够延续公司的增长。


Despite being almost hunted into extinction big game species have continued to perpetuate their existence.
- 尽管几近灭绝,大型猎物物种仍在延续它们的存在。
Perpetrate vs. Perpetuate - 罪犯与延续的区别
Commit - 实施的同义词
- 作为实施的同义词,它意味着做某事或执行某事。犯罪行为是这个词的常见用法。
Perform - 履行的同义词
- 作为实施的同义词,它意味着完成或履行某项任务。
Execute - 执行的同义词
- 作为实施的同义词,它意味着执行或实施某事,通常用于执行指令或履行合同。
Synonyms for Perpetuate - 延续的同义词
Preserve - 保持
- 作为延续的同义词,它意味着使某事物保持原状,不变小,不扩大,保持不变,也可以是保护和确保不受伤害。
Extend - 延伸
- 作为延续的同义词,它意味着使某事物变得更大,覆盖更大的空间或区域,包括时间。也可以包括想法或项目范围变得更大。
Maintain - 维持

