
「「fall asleep」与「fell asleep」哪个是正确的表达?

冯美云 冯美云 发表于2023-11-13 15:53:10 浏览2456 评论0


「fall asleep」是一个表达方式,是指「去睡觉」的一种比喻说法。然而,在英语中我们不说「to fall to sleep」,而是可以说「去睡觉」。 那么,什么时候可以使用「fell asleep」呢? 如果您想谈论过去的事件,可以说: I fell asleep last night/yesterday/last month as fell is the Past Simple of the verb to fall. 那么,什么时候可以使用「fall asleep」呢? 如果您想指的是现在、您的睡眠习惯或每晚都会发生的事情,您应该使用「fall asleep」,因为「fall」是「to fall」动词的现在时。例如: I always fall asleep after reading a chapter of my book.(这是每晚都会发生的事情,是您的日常习惯之一。)

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以下是「去睡觉」和「fall asleep」的更多例子: I went to sleep after midnight last night, I was very tired this morning. He goes to sleep at 10 PM every night and wakes up at 7 AM every morning. “Did you go to sleep late last night?” asked his mother. I always fall asleep while watching the television. When he does a late shift at work, it takes him a long time to fall asleep when he gets home. The two boys were so tired after the birthday party that they fell asleep on the couch without having their dinner. “I fell asleep on the train and missed my stop last night. I had to walk an extra 20 minutes to get home” she complained to her colleague the next day.

